Saturday, November 22, 2008

Plugged in powerchord turns on my laptop by itself!!

Ok I am officially going insane...or maybe my mom's Asus laptop really just turning on by itself. Recently my Dell laptop went down which has really gotten me pissed because this is a pretty critical time in my school semester for it to go down. But that issue deserves its own blog post. But anyways, in the mean time I've been using my mother's Asus laptop.

It is a huge downgrade from my supremely powerful Dell laptop. It has only 1 GB of RAM, compared to the 4 GB I have on my dell. Suffice to say, it is as slow as a sloth. But I have no choice as I need to do my school work and keep programming to keep food on my table. It does the job, except it has one very strange turns on by ITSELF. Seriously. I tell it to shutoff and then just turns on by itself a few seconds after. The first few times I didn't watch it turn off, and then I would come back like the following morning and it would be on...display the windows vista login menu screen...starring at me.

At first, I just thought I had mistaken pressed the restart button instead of the shut down button. But tonight, I pressed the shut down button and then was cleaning up and then it turned back on itself!! I tried it again and lo and behold, it turned on AGAIN!!!! WTF!!!! I was so freaked out. I did some googling online and to no avail there was nothing concrete that could help me with the situation. Not knowing what was going on, I unplugged all the peripherals which included:

  1. The ethernet cable

  2. The receiver for my wireless mouse and keyboard

  3. The VGA cable for my monitor

  4. The power chord

And then tried to shut it off, and it worked! It didn't turn on itself after it appeared that one of the peripherals was turning the laptop on?!?! I've honestly never heard of a situation like this ever. But I really wanted to see what was causing this. So I plugged the power chord back in, then turned on the machine and shut it down and it actually TURNED BACK ON!!!!

The plugged in powerchord when shutting off the machine was causing the laptop to turn itself back on!!! I couldn't believe this...I still don't really know how to fix this. I'll try to look for a fix, but as of right now the only solution I have is to unplug the powerchord when shutting off and then plugging it back it once it has turned off.

This is absolutely absurd. I hate technology sometimes!!

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